PillTime Care:

Better Medication Management for Care Providers

PillTime simplifies medication management, boosts adherence, and saves time and costs. Our Care Provider service is powered by our Automated Medication Dispensing System.

A Modern Way of Managing Medication for Health & Social Care Providers

PillTime is an online pharmacy registered with the NHS.
When you sign up with PillTime Care as a Care Provider, you'll get access to unique benefits and support to help you provide the best care for your patients.

Business Account

Training & Onboarding

Pouches for each resident

Delivery to your Care Home

What is Pouching?

Medication Pouching is a safe and precise method that uses AI and robotics to package individual medication doses into tailored pouches.

It's eco-friendly and gaining popularity for reducing medication waste while supporting sustainable healthcare practices.

Oakwell House Case Study

At PillTime, we’re helping care homes streamline their medication processes through our innovative digital pharmacy. 

Oakwell House, based in Nottinghamshire, is one of our success stories, having saved more than 350 hours in just 12-months thanks to our online offering.